Specialists technically trained to carry out with maximum efficiency any type of real estate operation, nationally and internationally. We offer a complete real estate service ranging from the purchase, sale, rental of the property to the management of deeds and taxes. We can highlight the following steps that we carry out:
- Purchase and Sale of all types of real estate.
- Swaps.
- Transfers.
- Total household equipment.
- Rental. - Appraisal.
- Farm administration.
- Financing.
- Home Reforms.
We offer a wide range of services to help you in making decisions regarding the assessment and verification of the status of real estate and other assets. These services are intended to cover your needs in case of: Request a mortgage or other credit, be making a sale of goods, be immersed in a process of separation or divorce, inheritance, expropriation, judicial proceedings ... etc
It will have the guarantee of the leading company in the sector in Spain, with more than 250,000 valuations carried out since 2011. Its valuation will be admitted by practically all the financial entities that operate in the country at the time of requesting their mortgage loan.
• Performing this type of assessment allows:
Know the value of a property and, therefore, adjust its price.
- Analyze, together with the professional who carries out the appraisal, those elements that have the most relevance at the time of fixing the price of the property.
Verify certain aspects of the valued property that are fundamental for making decisions: property, surface, state of conservation, etc.
You can assess other types of non-real estate property, a process that is also necessary on many occasions for the purposes described above.
- Works of art: painting sculpture, watercolors, drawings, antique furniture.
• - Furniture and machinery.
• - Boats.
• - Companies and any type of business (SMEs).
• - Trademarks, patents, goodwill.
We provide services throughout the expropriation process, covering the various specialized jobs that this generates:
- Preparation of minutes prior to occupation.
- Act of Occupation.
- Appraisal and Appreciation sheet.
- Assistance to affected individuals
- Quantification of the fair value of goods and rights, including a legal and / or jurisprudential justification of the valuation methods used.
- 1. Soil.
- 2. Constructions and all the elements alien to the ground affected.
- 3. Transfers or cessations of affected activities.
- 4. Ceses of rental rights, urban and / or rustic.
- 5. Losses of building rights.
- 6. Real rights.
- 7. Arboreal species.
- 8. Pending crops.
- 9. Compensation for damages resulting from a partial expropriation.
- 10. Any other type of compensation.
- 11. Retasations, reversals.
- Valuation of assets and rights included in the scope of the Compensation Boards, for the quantification of compensation (with legal and jurisprudential support), facilitating the drafting of Compensation / Reparcelation Projects, by incorporating the objective objective assessment of compensation of incompatible property and rights.
- Drafting of joint appraisal projects for the municipal administration in the cases of urban expropriation.
The administration proceeds periodically to review the cadastral value of your home. With this new value, the amount of numerous payments that affect you will be calculated, such as the Tax on Real Estate (IBI), among others. In many cases errors occur in the calculation of the cadastral value, this being higher than the market value of the house. If so, and depending on the particularity of each case, it is possible to make a claim within one month from the notification of the new cadastral value and, as a consequence, reduce the amount to be paid for your taxes.
It is always as advisable as useful, and sometimes necessary, to have technical documentation on certain properties or land.
In situations such as:
· Sell a property.
· Request a Works License.
· Request Activity Licenses
· Design and budget reforms or rehabilitations.
· Certify real measurements.
· Locate and measure terrains with inaccurate boundaries.
· Distribution of inheritance or separation of assets.
Knowing the reality of a property, and graphically have all the measures, distribution and basic characteristics is very useful to sell a property, allows prospective buyers to know the property and all its possibilities, giving an exhaustive information in a very affordable documentation.The plans are graphic information so their interpretation and reading is very fast and simple.In many cases it is an administrative requirement, required by District Boards and Town Councils for the granting of Works and Activity Licenses.
We have an extensive network of technicians, architects and surveyors, to perform this service anywhere in the country, with extensive experience and professionalism that allows them to respond to all demandsregardless of its complexity, from the smallest house to the most complicated and singular building, by configuration or dimensions.
From the Audit and Legal Dispatch area, we are a reference entity in valuation for Lawyers and Professionals in all areas: Commercial, Urban, Procedural, Administrative, Tax, Civil, Insolvency, Corporate.
The objective is to support the clients of the best law firms and auditors, national and international, in those operations that require a real estate valuation. From a valuation for an expropriation process, to the necessary valuations in merger and acquisition operations, advice on divestment of assets and restructuring, also covering any sector: financial, energy, natural resources, health, industrial ...
We put at your disposal a specialized technical team, with the commitment of independence and with the aim of providing the best customer service in experience, speed and personalized service.
A business environment like the current one generates in the companies the need to undertake complex projects and, at the same time, decisive in their day to day. Having the support of qualified professionals is, therefore, of vital importance for the successful achievement of the most demanding objectives.
Knowing this circumstance, we put our experience, professionalism and knowledge of the market, available to small-large companies and financial entities in a wide range of services that we offer.
The valuation of a company is the process by means of which the quantification of the elements that constitute its patrimony, its activity, its potentiality or any other characteristic of the same susceptible of being valued, is sought.
Throughout the life of a company there are many times when it is necessary to make an assessment of it. Its realization seeks the quantification of the elements that constitute its patrimony, activity, potentiality or any other characteristic susceptible of being valued. Owners, shareholders, investors, financial entities, buyers and economic agents demand information that makes decision making possible.
A financial valuation is a service designed to provide a quantitative value of a company, being useful in:
· Purchase / Sale Processes
· Restructuring of debt and obtaining financing lines
· Capital increases
· Membership Entry / Exit
· Inheritances or successions
· Compensation in shares
· Investment analysis / divestments
In the valuation of a company, we provide as an added value to its customers, the estimation of the future viability of the company in the medium / long term. This is only possible by estimating the future cash flows that the company can generate to analyze the viability of the business and be able to service the debt. The dynamic vision that arises is a more accurate perspective, which allows a better evaluation of the business project and its implicit risk.
The valuations constitute an essential information in the strategic decision making of the companies. Needs, both internal and external, require the realization of high quality assessments that help in the selection of the right actions with respect to real estate assets.
As information for the financial statements, valuation of assets for accounting purposes (including intangible assets), both from the point of view of Spanish accounting regulations, and from an international point of view reflected in the NIC-IFRS. These assessments allow:
· Estimation of Fair Value and Value in Use.
· Estimation of the Net Realizable Value.
· Make available to the Auditors relevant information to reflect the true image of the company and its annual accounts.
· Have objective and adequate information in order to provide the appropriate impairments or value reversals.
· Ability to revalue assets based on market value.
· Know the possible deterioration of the Goodwill. Impairment test
Advice on purchase decisions, based on possible alternatives and future revaluation expectations.
Set reference prices for a possible sale, estimating the largest and best use of each property.Estimate the evolution of the values of a real estate portfolio, taking into account both market circumstances and possible changes in real estate (urban, physical, etc.)
In Law 36/2006, Royal Decree 1793/2008 and Royal Decree Law 6/2010 define, among others, the assumptions of links between related persons and entities, and the price at which transactions made between them must be recorded. , denominating it normal market value.Likewise, it is stated that the Tax Administration will be able to verify said values and make, where appropriate, the appropriate value corrections. To do this, companies must have the supporting documentation to support the values.
From Tinsa, as a company of recognized prestige in the valuation of real estate nationally and internationally, we advise you on the best way to prepare the valuation, by:
The selection of the most appropriate valuation method.
The description of the reasons that justify the election of the same, as well as its form of application.
The realization of the comparability analysis.
Based on the described valuation methodology, work is carried out to advise on strategies to turn the optimization of the company's value into a management technique in which all decisions tend to increase the value of the company (value management).The projects are mainly focused on the definition of:
· Strategic plans.
· Efficient and efficient debt management, financial viability based on the debt and possible measures to be adopted.
· Optimal structure of fixed assets and land portfolio. Definition of optimal land portfolio and implementation of actions that improve the profitability of the company.
· Turnaround strategies or recovery plans, which develop and determine the most orderly way to liquidate assets.
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